Product already promoted with Juicer.Deals.

Hello there,

If you came across this error when trying to create a new promotion, there are 2 options for why it happened.

  1. You are currently promoting the item on your account, so you must archive the promotion before you create a new one.
  2. The product is already been promoted on another Juicer.Deals account.

How can I transfer the ASIN to my account?

In order to ask for a transfer, your account must be a VIP account, no matter the kind of plan. Starter, Expert or professional.

Please contact our support team from your VIP email address with the following information:

  1. VIP account’s email address.
  2. ASINs you would like to transfer.

A message should be written like that:

“Hello, I would like to transfer the following ASINs to my VIP account:
[email protected]

Thank you”

The ASINs will be transferred within 6 hours to your VIP account.

The Email should be sent to [email protected]

Important note: ASINs cannot be transferred to free trial accounts.



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