My coupon doesn’t work

Hi, sometimes your coupons will not work, then the shopper will report it as not working and you will be able to send them a new code. It’s not ideal,  and it will decrease the success rate of your ASIN on Juicer.Deals – may lower the coupon requests.

how to avoid it?

1. Approve requests only 4 hours after you created them.
2. Double-check the item price on Juicer.Deals – Sometimes it’s different than on Amazon.
3. Make sure you didn’t send those coupons already – Invalid or expired codes can block your ASIN on Juicer.Deals.

How does it look like?

a report will be sent to you by email and to your notifications tab on Juicer.Deals, there you can see the reason:
coupon report

  1. The error on Amazon, the coupon isn’t valid.
  2. A message from the buyer
  3. Product information, including success rate of this ASIN on Juicer.Deals.

What should you do?

When a shopper reporting a coupon, you will be able to send him a new code, from Coupon Requests Tab.

By clicking on “Send new Code: you can send a working coupon, and the shopper will be able to purchase the item again.


You can learn more about Coupons Errors in this guide.

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  1. Hello
    It has happened to me twice, with two different articles.
    1º The seller gives me a coupon.
    2nd amazon tells me that it is coupon is not valid or is expired.
    3rd the seller sends another.
    4th I introduce it in amazon and it is also expired.
    5th I never receive anything else.
    It is normal?

  2. Patricia DenHartog

    I am banned or froze now due to expired codes sent to me 2x. What can I do?

  3. tom

    i have vip member ,but i have use deal when free member before on other ID, now can not use deal on VIP member ,how can i do

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